Press articles about the project have been published in German or DGS. On this page you find short summaries of these articles in International Sign. For the original articles, see the German version of this page.
"Der Spiegel"
"Frau Ernstemiene und Herr Lachen" - june 2021
German Deaf magazine
"a collection of more than 600.000 Signs" - august 2020
German federal ministry of education and research
"A Dictionary for Sign Language" - january 19th 2020
contribution from Susanne Genc (
"The Corpus Project of German Sign Language (a Legacy of Sign Language)" - january 19th 2019
"Welt" online
"A Dictionary of Hand Movements" - august 13th 2009
"Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung"
"Körper im Konjunktiv" - may 11th 2009
Stuttgarter Zeitung
"ein Hochdeutsch-Wörterbuch für Gebärden" - march 21st 2009
Süddeutsche Zeitung
"Hochdeutsch für Gehörlose" - january 14th 2009
Hamburger Abendblatt
"Electronic Dictionary for Signs" - october 19th 2008