Talk about the DGS-Korpus project in South Korea

On 04.07.2020 the former project collaborator Dr. Sung-Eun Hong gave a talk about the DGS-Korpus project at Kangnam University in South Korea. The talk took place in the context of a conference on the current and future research situation of regional variants in sign languages.

Despite corona protection measures, about 80 participants were on site. Due to the current situation, the participants wore masks and were sitting at a great distance from their neighbours. Only the lecturers and the interpreters did not have to wear masks.

The lecture was followed with great interest. Questions from the audience concerned the size of the DGS corpus, the development of the dictionary based on the corpus as well as the handling of mouthings and finger alphabet. We thank Dr. Sung-Eun Hong for presenting the DGS-Korpus project on this stage.


picture: Kang-Suk Byun

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