The DGS Corpus Team at the 8th SLTAT in Greece

On June 10, 2023, the 8th SLTAT (Sign Language Translation and Avatar Technology) workshop took place in Rhodes, Greece. Our team was represented there by Thomas Hanke, Sam Bigeard, Lutz König, Maria Kopf, Marc Schulder (EASIER project and DGS corpus project) and guest researcher Tsubasa Uchida (Japan). The referees presented various papers in the form of posters and lectures. The workshop was very interactive and provided numerous opportunities for international exchange. Our team presented the following publications:

"Representation Matters. The Case for Diversifying Sign Language Avatars" by Maria Kopf and co-author:s: Rehana Omardeen and Davy Van Landuyt.
"The Sign Language Interchange Format: Harmonising Sign Language Datasets for Computational Processing" by Marc Schulder, Sam Bigeard, Thomas Hanke and Maria Kopf

"EASIER Notation - A Proposal for a Gloss-based Scripting Language for Sign Language Generation Based on Lexical Data" by Thomas Hanke, Lutz König, Maria Kopf, Marc Schulder, Reiner Konrad, Rosalee Wolfe.

Tsubasa Uchida and team:
"Machine translation to sign language using post-translation replacement without placeholders" by

  • Taro Miyazaki (NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories)
  • Naoki Nakatani (NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories)
  • Tsubasa Uchida (NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories)
  • Hiroyuki Kaneko (NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories)
  • Masanori Sano (NHK)

"Motion editing tool for reproducing grammatical elements of Japanese Sign Language avatar animation" von

  • Tsubasa Uchida (NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories)
  • Naoki Nakatani (NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories)
  • Taro Miyazaki (NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories)
  • Hiroyuki Kaneko (NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories)
  • Masanori Sano (NHK)

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