Summer School 2019
From September 30 to October 4, the long term projects DGS-Korpus and INEL (both funded by the Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg) organised a summer school on language documentation and corpus technology in cooperation with the EU project SignHub. The summer school had 45 participants from all over the world. 10 half day courses offered information on basic topics such as quality assurance, grammar documentation and lexicography of non-written languages as well as on current trends such as publishing corpus data, data life cycle and computer vision. The morning courses provided input from a cross-modal perspective whereas the afternoon courses went into detail with either a spoken language or a signed language perspective. In addition, two evening lectures shed light on the interface between spoken and signed language documentation.
The five days were exhausting on the one side, both for the participants and the organisers, but on the other side were also a splendid opportunity for in-depth exchange.