Photos from "Nacht des Wissens" in Hamburg

The fourth "Nacht des Wissens" (Science Night) took place in Hamburg on 29th October 2011 from 5 pm to midnight. The DGS-Corpus project and other projects and activities of the Institute for German Sign Language presented the "visual world of sign language".
The visitors had the chance to see films from the DGS-Corpus project and also themselves on a screen in 3D, which was especially exciting for children. Furthermore the automatical sign recognition from the DictaSign project could be tried out. A sig n-avatar could be controlled with HamNoSys notation that was entered by the visitors. The project DeLeGS took part with a quiz in writing signs and showed an editor for wri ting signs that visitors also could try out. Furthermore well frequented trial lessons in DGS were offered as well as aplenty of information about sign language.

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