First preliminary entries of the 'Digitales Wörterbuch der Deutschen Gebärdensprache', our corpus-based dictionary, are online

We, the DGS-Korpus team, have recently announced a new version of our Public DGS Corpus. Now there are even more news!

There is finally a first insight into the Digitale Wörterbuch der Deutschen Gebärdensprache, to be precise: the korpusbasierte Wörterbuch Deutsche Gebärdensprache – Deutsch. Abbreviated: DW-DGS.

We invite you to have a look at the first preliminary entries of the upcoming dictionary that are published in advance.

Please note that this is not yet the finished dictionary. It is a preview. Therefore only a few entries are available here as a preliminary view. More entries will be published online over time.

Both the contents and the structure of the dictionary are still being worked on. For example, later, in the finished dictionary, there will be the possibility to search for sign forms. The layout of the finished dictionary might also change.

The first preliminary entries can be found at

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