EASIER Autumn School

Report EASIER Autumn School

September 2023: The EU-funded project EASIER in cooperation with the DGS-Korpus project organised an Autumn School at the Institute of German Sign Language and Communication of the Deaf (IDGS) Hamburg. The Autumn School called "Sign language data meets data science – data science meets sign linguistics" had the goal of generating expertise for under-resourced sign languages to extend the scope of EASIER to more European sign languages. The idea was to not only support people who already work with sign languages and train them in technological approaches, but also to train people who already work within data science, language technologies, etc. in the handling of sign languages. Therefore, both groups had a general input on the topics new to them, followed by two parallel tracks for the two target groups.
Within 15 presentations, knowledge about language technology and sign language linguistics was presented. The presentations were held in International Sign (IS) or English. Four interpreters for IS and English accompanied the workshop. 61 people from 17 countries were present. On Monday afternoon, participants had the possibility to present their own work and resources in the realm of a hands-on fair. 17 posters were presented showing work on lexical databases, avatar animations, writing systems and more.

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