DGS-Korpus team at the SignNonmanuals 2 - International Workshop in Graz

At the 3rd and 4th of Mai 2019 three researches and from the DGS-Korpus team, together with 6 students co-workers, participated at the workshop SignNonmanuals 2 in Graz, Austria. 
The team prepared two talks and contributed in a poster, together with a research team from the DePaul University that is concerned with sign language avatars. Marc Schulder und Thomas Hanke have investigated ways of „Identifying Negation in the DGS-Korpus“. Three student co-workers from the corpus project gave a very interesting speech about gender-fair language in TRanslations from DGS to German. Maren Brumm, Thomas Hanke and the team from the DePaul University in Chicago have participated in a poster concerned with the „Use of Avatar Technology for Automatic Mouth Gesture Recognition“.
We are very delighted about the positive feedback regarding our talks and the poster. We truly enjoyed the interesting and valuable exchange with other researchers during the workshop. From Graz we brought back home some delicious austrian sweets, as well as a number of new ideas and a lot of motivation for further research.

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