The DGS-Korpus project at EURALEX 2018

This year’s EURALEX took place in Ljubljana, SI from July 17th to July 21st. For the first time, it dedicated a whole session to Sign Language Lexicography. The DGS-Korpus project participated with a presentation on “Authentic Examples in a Corpus-Based Sign Language Dictionary - Why and How”. The corresponding paper is available in the publication of the EURALEX proceedings:


Langer, Gabriele / Müller, Anke / Wähl, Sabrina / Bleicken, Julian (2018). "Authentic Examples in a Corpus-Based Sign Language Dictionary – Why and How". In Čibej, Jaka, Gorjanc, Vojko, Kosem, Iztok & Krek, Simon (eds.). Proceedings of the XVIII EURALEX International Congress: Lexicography in Global Contexts. Ljubljana: Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts, S. 483—497. Online:




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