Award ceremony 'Kulturpreis Deutsche Sprache'

Award ceremony 'Kulturpreis Deutsche Sprache'

On September 30, 2023 the Kulturpreis Deutsche Sprache was awarded in Baden-Baden. The Digital Dictionary of German Sign Language (DW-DGS) won the non-endowed institutional prize.

On behalf of the entire DGS corpus team, the colleagues Gabriele Langer and Lutz König accepted the prize. They are especially pleased that the award has brought German Sign Language and its language community for a moment into the focus of public attention, because "DGS was forbidden in schools for a long time and it was a long and difficult way until DGS found recognition as an independent and full-fledged language in science and society".

The laudatory speech was given by Prof. Dr. Johannes Hennies, Professor of Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing at the Heidelberg University of Education.

Special thanks go to the 330 deaf participants in the DGS corpus who represent the DGS language community in the dictionary with their language and stories, and to the student assistants who tirelessly and enthusiastically support the project and thus the dictionary.



More detailed information can be found in the press releases and reports below.

DGS press release of the IDGS dated 04 July 2023.


Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg: report dated 05 October 2023.

Kulturpreis Deutsche Sprache: Report on the award ceremony of September 30, 2023.

Kulturpreis Deutsche Sprache: press release dated 03 July 2023.


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