Autumn School 2023

25-26. September in Hamburg: Sign language data meets data science – data science meets sign linguistics

Organized by: The EU EASIER project in cooperation with the DGS-Korpus project

The goal of this Autumn School is to generate expertise for under-resourced sign languages to extend the scope of EASIER to more European sign languages. The idea is not only to support people who already work with sign languages and train them in technological approaches, but also to train people who already work with in data science, language technologies, etc. in the handling of sign languages. Therefore, both groups will have a general input in the beginning on the subject that is new to them.

The subsequent sessions will discuss different topics needed to develop sign language processing, as well as a session where participants can present their own work and exchange ideas in a more flexible setting.

Workshop languages are English and International Sign.

For more detail on the courses as well as registration, please check

Financial Support: We also offer conference support to attend the workshop. More information can be found here:

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