First meeting of Deaf advisory board

On June 1st, 2013 the newly founded Deaf advisory board met for the first time.

The Deaf advisory board consists of 11 people from different regions in Germany. They represent the sign language community and facilitate communication between the projekt team and the Deaf community. They also help to handle regional characteristics in language use within the linguistic analysis. Also, they comment on signs and deal with special problems and questions we have.

At this first meeting we dealt with the online-feedback which is due to start this year. The members of the advisory board critically tested the system and gave valuable feedback on various areas concerning the system. We also discussed the topic of German signs and their equivalents in written German for the basic vocabulay of DGS, which is to be published at the end of 2014. We had quite a full day, but nonetheless the atmosphere was cheerful and productive.

We are looking forward to working with so many committed and motivated people!

Pictures of the event can be found here.

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